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Tifa peek at the Sacred Lake Sentani

Tifa peek at the Sacred Lake Sentani

Yobeh village , which is located in Lake Sentani , Get more best android games at keep a story full of mystery . One is the sacred drums more than 200 years old .

drums , Sentani lake , sacred papuaTifa Yobeh Village , Lake Sentani , Papua ( Ni Luh Made Earth F / ) .

Papua is so magical , mystery of its own . Travelers who come if given the opportunity to uncover .

A proper description to describe Yobeh village located in one of the 22 islands scattered around Lake Sentani , Jayapura , Papua . Indeed , in the largest lake in Papua , there are 24 villages with traditional customs of each unique .

Yobeh village store full of mystery stories . One is the sacred drums more than 200 years old . Tifa is stored and maintained by Felle family for generations .

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